Magnusson’s Club for Dog breeders
It’s hardly surprising that we at Magnussons care a little bit extra about you as a dog breeder. We come from Kennel Airways where we used to breed Great Danes. That means we recognize the tough challenges you face and the demands that are put on you as a breeder.
To make your life a bit easier, we have founded Magnusson’s Club for Dog breeders. Welcome to join us as a member!

Members of Magnusson’s Club for Dog breeders receive:
Consultation around dog food and nutrition, free of charge for you and your puppy owners
Puppy kits for your puppy clients, free of charge
Membership discounts on our products
Generous special campaign offers
Click here to view our price list for Dog breeders and volume purchases.
And ”Submit your application” where you fill in all your details.
Become a member
Our guess is that the first thing you look at when buying food for your best friend, is the list of ingredients. What is the origin of the food? Does it contain any strange additives? Is the meat fresh? The way we see it, raw ingredients are the be all end all. That’s why we at Magnussons will only use ingredients from Sweden in our dog food and preferably ingredients from local, nearby farms.